Business Lawyers in Columbus, Ohio
“Drew has been a trusted resource for my growing ecommerce business. He has advised me on numerous topics from trademarks and other intellectual property issues to workers comp and LLC protections. Drew has worked with businesses large and small and this experience has directly impacted my company. I highly recommend Stevens Law Firm.”
“Drew’s personal service and patience to explain legal issues to a novice have been extremely beneficial. Drew helped me with an array of real estate law issues and helped me not only solve problems… but learn along the way!”
“I highly recommend Drew Stevens and his team. Like many Amazon sellers we tried to do a DIY trademark service for a private label brand. However, it quickly turned into a nightmare….another well known, international company had issue with our trademark. After hiring Stevens Law Firm, Drew was able to work with the trademark office and the other company’s legal team to resolve the issue and obtain our trademark. Drew even got their company to pay for a portion of the fees. Huge success!”
“Have I ever told you that I’ve learned an incredible amount from you due to how thorough you are? Great stuff.”
“I don’t know many attorneys, but I feel you are the top 1%!”